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The Lost Art of Presence: A Tale of Missed Connection

I am en route to Ho from the Central Business District of Accra and my mind drifts back to an interesting encounter I witnessed today. Picture this: a quaint restaurant nearby after a rendezvous with my boss, and there she was, a vision of beauty that made my heart skip a beat. Uhuh!.. 😁 …don’t say eish.😅

A tall, statuesque goddess with skin the color of rich chocolate, she exuded a mesmerizing aura. Her long, natural hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of ebony silk, very rare right?… swaying gently with every move she made. And oh, those curves! She was endowed with a magnetic charm; her front was a marvel, and her back, a graceful dance of enchantment. 🌟

Her face, oh, her face! 😍. It was like gazing at the moon on a clear summer night – flawless and radiant, without a single blemish. But the most captivating feature was her smile. When it graced her lips, it illuminated the whole room. Her dimples were like little secrets, peeking out mischievously whenever joy embraced her heart. A smile so infectious, I couldn’t help but mirror it from afar.

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Now, let me tell you about the guy she was with – a character I couldn’t help but notice while stealing glances. He was just a regular guy, nothing too extraordinary, really. Clad in casual attire, he seemed like a laid-back fellow with an iPhone 13 or so. But when he sat across from that captivating lady, he transformed into someone I couldn’t quite comprehend.

His eyes were fixated on his phone screen, lost in a digital world that kept him from the enchanting reality before him. I couldn’t help but wonder what he was so engrossed in.

His eyes were fixated on his phone screen, lost in a digital world that kept him from the enchanting reality before him. I couldn’t help but wonder what he was so engrossed in. Was it a captivating story, a thrilling game, or simply the scroll of endless social media content? Whatever it was, it had captivated him more than the real-life beauty that graced his presence. It got me thinking about how our phones were meant to bring us closer, but in this case, it seemed to be pushing them apart

As I carried on with my conversation with my boss, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of sadness that engulfed me. Here was this delightful lady, offering her company to this guy, and yet he seemed oblivious to her magnetic charm. It made me yearn for the days when people used to look up from their screens and truly connect with one another. How times have changed!

I couldn’t help but recall my friend Alia Cruz (Lia Baeby) from back in the day when we would have dinner or go out together. She wouldn’t let me touch my phone, and I honestly didn’t mind because it kept us fully present in the moment.Anyway, I didn’t want to interfere with this couple at the next table, it was actually none of my business 😃 but it just made me realize how important it is to make the effort to connect with people in person

But you know what, that little moment served as a reminder for all of us. Let’s not be like the guy who missed the chance to savor the beauty of a real conversation with a captivating lady. And let’s not be like her either, possibly shy to initiate a heartwarming chat. Instead, let’s value the magic of face-to-face connections and cherish the beauty of the present moment.

Life’s too short to miss out on the wonders that unfold right in front of us. So, my friends, let’s put our phones aside from time to time and embrace the poetry of life – the beauty of shared moments, the enchantment of heartfelt talks, and the dance of genuine connections. 🌹

What do you guys think about the importance of physical connections in our relationships, whether it’s with friends or family or a romantic one? Share your thoughts! And don’t forget to drop a title suggestion for this little anecdote in the comments below! 😄💬

PS. After she finished enjoying her fufu with full tilapia, she again ordered another full tilapia only.

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